
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

17 Miracles

Sometimes the most precious gifts are the ones we see as trials.  I just watched one of the saddest movies I’ve seen in a while.  17 Miracles is about one band of pioneers as they journeyed to the Utah Valley.  They travelled later in the season than they should have and so encountered winter conditions.  They starved, froze, and collapsed.  Infants, children, the young and strong, the old and frail alike.  As I watched, I could not understand how the trek could have been worth it.  Why did they just not wait until they could take a train the entire way?  Or why could they not just stay where they were and honor their faith from home?  My mom pointed out that it was never about the destination.  Everyone has their own trials and hardships to face in this life.  Everyone must suffer in their own way.  Life was not meant to be easy.  Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to the purest of pure.  Usually the right decisions are the hardest to make.  The easy path never leads to true happiness.  It wasn’t meant to.  These pioneers had such strong faith that they were willing to give their all.  They wanted to reach God’s Promised Land.  Their devotion to the Lord was so strong that they were willing to die for what they believed was right…and more than that, they watched their children suffer and die.  I don’t believe they started the journey believing it would be so difficult or that their loved ones might not make it.  But even in the darkest of moments, they never grumbled.  They did not turn their backs on God because of their hardships.  They did not allow their hearts to be filled with bitterness as they lay their sweet babies to rest.  They kept on going.  Their faith endured.  I cannot imagine the pain and suffering.  I cannot imagine the strength of character and heart.  It is with awe that I think of them.  I am truly grateful to have been blessed with trials of a different nature.   When I think of the times that I have grown resentful of the lack of money, opportunity, and monetary things I have, I cringe in shame.  When I think of my anger and frustration at the hardships I have faced and still face, I know I must remember why I am on this journey.  Like the pioneers, my path has a purpose.  It was not meant to be easy.  My load will never be light.  But it is with a reason that I travel it.  My destination is Celestial Glory.  My purpose is to walk in the light of Christ and become like him.  My mission is to share this message with all that I can.  Every time I confront an obstacle or setback, I must remember these things and understand that it is there to help strengthen me and test my faith.  As I have heard it said: perspective is everything.

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