
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Guns, Guns, Guns...

There are so many things in this world that don't have a solution.  They tried to outlaw alcohol so along came speak-easies.  Marijuana is now heading toward the direction of completely legal as a result of the wide spread use, despite the fact that it's against the law.  And now we have guns.  I am no believer in drugs, alcohol, or violence, in this case guns.  I loathe all three.  I think the world would be a better place if they did not exist.  But they do.  And now we have an uncertain time ahead of us. 

With tragic shootings reminding us the power guns have and the devastation they can cause, the controversial argument of whether guns should be allowed on the streets or not has being everywhere.  I have heard suspicions that this recent movie theater shooting was a government setup just in time for a UN vote on stripping the public of guns.  In doing so, they believe our society will be a safer place. 

Whether or not the shooting was an organic idea in a sick man's head or a government conspiracy really makes no difference in my mind.  It happened and it was horrible.  If was a setup, that's a scary prospect but there is nothing that I can do about it.  I do, however, have troubled feelings over this UN vote.  As we saw in the examples above, outlawing things the public desires does not make it less prevalent.  In fact, it probably makes it more so.  There's a rebellious aspect to it, as well as a human characteristic of meeting one's own wants and needs first.

But guns have the power to take a life with little effort.  Most people believe the best way to fight gunfire is with gunfire.  And if you tell the American public that they are not allowed to have the deadly weapons, you cause a large public feeling of being threatened.  How are we supposed to defend ourselves against the lawbreakers?  And most terrifying of all, how are we supposed to defend ourselves against the government who is supposed to be protecting us?

There are too many examples throughout history of a country's governmental system turning against its people.  When selfish and evil intentions gain power, there is no telling what may happen.  The American government was setup with a system of checks and balances to ensure the power was containable.  That system is no longer effective.  The American people have lost all control over what happens to our country, our laws, or even our own assets.  Media have been completely corrupted.  There are so many lies and partial truths being told that it is impossible to know what's true anymore.  Trust is a thing of the past.

Now, if you take such a turbulent group of people who already feel powerless and in danger and strip them of one of the few tools that helps to give a sense of security, what do you think will happen?  Like I said before: I am against guns, violence, hate, selfishness, the whole gambit.  I don't know if the government is as bad as they say.  But really, it doesn't matter what I think.  I won't be the one pointing a gun at another person.

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