
Monday, June 11, 2012

Back in the Day Take Eight: 8/13/2009

I even now sometimes have to stop and define all aspects of life.  It's amazing to see how over the years so many things have changed dramatically, but so many are exactly the time.

Do you ever have those days where you feel the need to re-evaluate who you are? You force yourself to sit down and ponder what you know about yourself. This is what I know:

I know that I love rain and kittens. I know that I can raise each eyebrow independently. I know that nothing makes me happier than laughing and nothing makes me sadder than wanting to be happy but not fulfilling that desire. I know that I wake up each day with the intent of living my life to the best of my ability…and then go to bed each night wondering where I went wrong. I know that I try my best at everything that I do with the intent of succeeding and achieving all things positive. I know that I suffer the consequences for my mistakes while always trying to turn it into a learning experience. I know that I want to be better and someday I will be. I know that I want to travel the world and see what each place has to offer. I know that nothing fascinates me more than humans and I cannot help but constantly wonder what makes people behave in particular ways. I know that I love to people-watch and make up stories in my head about those that I observe. I know that someday I want a big house with horses and a library. I know I will eventually own every single Disney movie ever made. I know that every person I meet in my life is important and leaves an imprint on me so I am very tentative to let them walk away from me forever. I know that I am partial to sad songs and poetry, but will never turn down the more joyful ones. I know that I’m terribly romantic, but never seem to be able to incorporate those emotions into my life here in the real world. I know that I’m just a girl searching for what everyone else is searching for: happiness. I want to be happy with myself and with the people around me. I want to learn and grow and be silly all at the same time. I want to be able to scream random things at the top of my lungs at very random moments in time just for the sake of being random. I want to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it, with the people that I love most as well as perfect strangers. All of whom are also on the endless hunt for that evasive form of happiness.

This is who I am. Not completely, but an abruptly brief overview. I am not here to pretend to be things that I am not. I am me and that is all that I can ever be. As well as all you should wish of me.

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