
Saturday, August 4, 2012

All Things Bright and Beautiful

What a beautiful world we live in.  I sometimes am stunned at how much I take it for granted.  We've been getting some thunder storms (although not enough rain....) around here lately.  I was driving home from work and was amazed at how very beautiful the lightening was against a darkening sky.  It caused me to stop and think.  I need to strive to remember more often that life is simple.  It really is.  We live, we breath, we laugh, we cry, we love, we hate, we die.  Bad things will happen, but good things will happen, too.  Either way, the only thing in this entire world that I can control is my own actions and feelings.  I can't even change who I am, in essence.  I need to remember I'm the one causing my life to be complicated.  There's simplicity and beauty all around me.  It's not always easy to realize they're there.  But, there they are and there they will stay.  The lightening will light up the night sky. The flowers in my garden will bloom.  The leaves on the trees will change color come Fall.  Children will laugh and play and be carefree.  My neighbors puppy will tremble with uncontrollable excitement and pure joy.  All these wonderful things will happen whether or not I'm paying attention.  And, really, the only one I'm hurting by allowing my human brain to blind me is, well, me. 

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