
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fourteen Days In!

So, the LegalShield commercials have been playing here in Denver for a couple weeks now.  It's so amazing how a tiny bit of exposure makes such a difference.  Our company has been so hidden from sight, but it's soon to be a household name.

I love what I do.  I love sharing the information and having the opportunity to help people with areas of their lives they never expected to have help with.  I love being able to help people have the same awesome business opportunity I've had.

Right now is the prime time to be visible.  I want my business to explode, yes, for the benefit of my family, but mostly for the benefit of my clients.  It's hard to accept a new concept when no one you know has accepted it.  The more I help the people around me to understand what I do and how great of a value it is to them, the more that understanding will spread.

So here's your chance to jump on the bandwagon while the opportunity is still fresh!

Check it out:

What is LegalShield?

Who am I?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

All Things Bright and Beautiful

What a beautiful world we live in.  I sometimes am stunned at how much I take it for granted.  We've been getting some thunder storms (although not enough rain....) around here lately.  I was driving home from work and was amazed at how very beautiful the lightening was against a darkening sky.  It caused me to stop and think.  I need to strive to remember more often that life is simple.  It really is.  We live, we breath, we laugh, we cry, we love, we hate, we die.  Bad things will happen, but good things will happen, too.  Either way, the only thing in this entire world that I can control is my own actions and feelings.  I can't even change who I am, in essence.  I need to remember I'm the one causing my life to be complicated.  There's simplicity and beauty all around me.  It's not always easy to realize they're there.  But, there they are and there they will stay.  The lightening will light up the night sky. The flowers in my garden will bloom.  The leaves on the trees will change color come Fall.  Children will laugh and play and be carefree.  My neighbors puppy will tremble with uncontrollable excitement and pure joy.  All these wonderful things will happen whether or not I'm paying attention.  And, really, the only one I'm hurting by allowing my human brain to blind me is, well, me. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Here's to Momentum!

I am so excited for the momentum my company is being possessed by.  They are starting their awareness campaign to let everyone know we exist.

You see, we've been around for 40 years, but we have only reached about 2% of the US population.  Network marketing is a fantastic business model when done correctly.  I think one of the greatest features is the slow speed at which the information spreads when it's only going through word of mouth.  Most companies fail in their first few years.  Even the companies that seem to be rolling in rapid success tend to fail.  Most people don't realize that too much success too quickly can mean bankruptcy.  So now that we've been snowballing over the last few decades with amazing management, the company is secure in its financial health.

We're perfectly poised for an explosion of growth.  The reason most people don't own our services is because they don't know they exist!  How amazing is it that we have the FIRST pre-paid legal services created in the US (the one all other companies try to copy, but never get just right) and it's something EVERYONE needs!  How often does an opportunity like this come knocking?

"Why would do I NEED a pre-paid attorney?" You might be asking yourself.  Well, I will tell you.  Did you know that you are three times more likely to end up in a court room than a hospital?  How scary is that?  Yet, it's health insurance we understand the necessity of.  It's a "just in case" sort of thing.  All insurances are.  I need car insurance "just in case" I am in an accident or my car is vandalized or broken in to.  I need house insurance "just in case" of a fire, burglary, or some other disaster.  You get the picture, right?

WRONG!  If you did you would already agree that you need LegalShield so much that you would be halfway through the application.  Do you know what sets legal insurance (at least OUR legal insurance) apart from the rest of these "just in case" coverages?  You can use it today!  You don't have to wait until you get sick or until the unthinkable to happens to get a return on your investment.  From day one you have UNLIMITED access to an attorney about ANYTHING!  That $1300 retainer your friend has to put down before her family law attorney would even talk to her seems scandalous now, doesn't it?

Bad things happen every day and they happen to every person, no matter how "good" or how "bad" you as a person are.  You may not have contacted a lawyer about that faulty watch the store wouldn't let you return or about that police officer you feel pulled you over and wrote you a ticket because of your skin color, gender, or sexual orientation.  But that's because you knew the battle for you rights (or even learning what your rights were) was going to be too expensive to be worth it in the end.

That's over now.  We have revolutionized the way every day, middle class citizens access the legal system.  That's why under the protection of LegalShield you and your family can live worry-free every day, every night, now and forever.