
Friday, December 6, 2013

Becoming Extraordinary

What does it take to make a person extraordinary?

It is human nature to want to be important.  We all fantasize about it: waking up from a mundane life to find the fate of the world rests on your shoulders, figuratively or literally.  Just so long as you are imperative.

So what does it mean to be important anyway?  It means being so essential to a person, idea, society, etc. that our presence or influence are absolutely indispensable.  We’ve all seen it on TV or read about it in books.  Occasionally we even learn of a real-life example.  It is a fantasy simply because it is so unlikely.  And we know that.  We dream of it, we don’t actually expect it to come true.

But what if it could?  What if one day we did find that we held the weight of a world in our hands?  Maybe not because we are front line in a revolution or think up the next groundbreaking discovery.  But because of the taken-for-granted things we do and the lives we touch around us.  Maybe those lives won’t depend on you to continue its existence.  But our influence in the world is often much greater than we ever give it credit for.  After all, we’ve all seen movies such as It’s a Wonderful Life where the character is able to witness firsthand what the world would have been like if he had not existed.  But in the dull moment of a normal life it is hard to imagine that our small actions play such a big role.  We easily become discouraged or lose sight of the influence we do have.  It can be very defeating.

So what does it take to make a person extraordinary?  That’s the most amazing part.  The answer is absolutely nothing.  After all, every hero that I know of in an adventure story has made their mark by simply embracing themselves.  Sometimes they may discover new talents or strengths they didn’t know they possessed.  But they don’t make become special by being something different.  In fact, usually what sets them apart is counterintuitively being themselves.  They discover that they were special all along.

It may seem cliché to be told yet again that you must learn to be yourself.  I can see you now rolling your eyes and changing the channel in your mind to something much more exciting.  But why?  Why is it so hard to believe that the ordinary person reading this contains a power in their very being that has the potential to do wonders if they (YOU) would just accept yourself for who and what you are.  Uncover your true potential.

Not to get preachy, but we are all children of God.  And to be a child of the divine is to have divinity in every fiber of your being.  If God can move mountains and command the dead to rise, can you imagine what you can do as an offspring of God?  Imagine the impact you could have on everything you touch and choose to do.  It is unlikely for most us that we will lead nations or command armies.  It is unlikely that we will even become heroes in our own towns.  Honestly, the magic that we make will most often go unnoticed and unappreciated.  But that doesn’t make it any less important.  That’s what we have to remember.  It’s not about the recognition (although we appreciate it when it comes along).  It’s about the results.  And those results are there.  You just have to learn to look.

So, how are you, by virtue of being the person that you are, going to change the world today?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Brief Outline of Mormon Beliefs

To Start

Sometimes I get a lot of questions or comments because of my faith.  There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding, often fed through the media, rumor, and the existence of a very different religion that uses the same name, only clarifying they are "reformed".  As a result of this, I thought I would take a few moments to talk about what I believe.

The Thirteen Articles of Faith

We have something called The 13 Articles of Faith, which is basically a list of some of the most basic beliefs we hold.  My explanations here are a reflection of my own understanding and beliefs and in no way speak for the Church or other members.  To read the testimony of others and to see explanations formally released by the Church, please visit

The First Article of Faith: We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church) is a Christian religion.  Many people preach that we are Christian, but by definition being Christian means you believe in Christ.  We believe our Lord and Savior came to Earth and sacrificed his life for us and was resurrected in order to give us the opportunity to be made clean and return to live with our Father in Heaven.  We even honor him by calling our Church in His name.

We believe in all three personages of the God Head and we believe them to be three separate beings.  They are one in mind and heart, meaning they are aligned in their thoughts and feelings.  This can be more easily understood when you consider the request we hear to align our wills with God's.  When we do this we also can become one with God.  We are separate beings, but one in our hearts and intents.

We also believe Christ is the God of this world.  He created it and rules over it.  Heavenly Father created our spiritual as well as physical bodies, but he has given the world to his Son.  In the scriptures "God" is most often referencing Christ.  He is the God of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Book of Mormon.

The Second Article of Faith: We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

There are a few points of importance here.  The difference between a sin and a transgression is the knowledge behind it.  If you know you are sinning and do it anyway you carry a greater responsibility.  If you act without fully comprehending what you are doing is wrong, it is a transgression.  It was still wrong and you still must face consequences, but it is not as serious a crime.  Adam and Eve were like children in their understanding of sin.  They had no real knowledge of right or wrong until they partook of the forbidden fruit.  They could not commit sin before eating the fruit because they had not learned what that means.  That is why it is a transgression and not an outright sin.  The same holds true for small children under the age of accountability and for those who are mentally compromised to the point of not being able to understand.

This is not to mention the necessity of this transgression.  Adam and Eve could not follow God's first commandment to go forth and multiply without disobeying this second commandment and becoming mortal beings.  If they had not transgressed we would not be here today.  It was part of God's plan.

We don't believe any person can be punished for the sins of others.  They may face consequences as a result, but will not be held responsible at Judgement Day.  Because of Adam's actions, we are all born into a fallen world as fallen beings.  We are fallen because we are out of the presence of God.  We are spiritually dead.  However, we are not held responsible for his actions.  Only our own.

The Third Article of Faith: We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.


As discussed before, we are spiritually dead in that we have been separated from our Father in Heaven.  We are fallen and have not the ability to make our own way back.  Christ came to the Earth to save us from this fate.  Because he suffered for all the world, he has already made amends for our imperfections.  He paid our debt that we might journey back home.  All that he asks in return is that we follow Him.  We must believe in Him, have faith in Him, repent of our sins, and follow His teachings.  We must do our best and know that we will never be perfect on our own, but through him we can be redeemed.

The Fourth Article of Faith: We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The previous Article states that Christ's Atonement makes it possible to be made clean again if we follow His Gospel.  This Article teaches what exactly we must do.  We must have faith in Christ, repent of our sins, be baptized in His name, and receive the companionship of the third member of the God Head.  Because we are incapable of being perfect, we must continually repent of our sins.  On Sundays, a sacrament is offered where we can renew our baptismal covenants and again be wiped clean by our faith and repentance through the Atonement.

Baptism symbolizes being born again through Christ.  Receiving the Hold Ghost in a sense burns the sin from our souls in order to truly cleanse us.  One without the other cannot save a soul.

The Fifth Article of Faith: We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.


Besides clearing you of your past sins, the companionship of the Holy Ghost gives us a truly remarkable opportunity.  We cannot navigate this chaotic world on our own.  Having the Holy Ghost with us always provides us with inspiration and direction.  That is how Priesthood holders come to know who to call to meet certain needs in the Church.

The Church is run entirely by its members.  There is no paid clergy.  There is no worldly reward for serving.  Members of the Church serve in the Church because they are serving their God.  During one's lifetime s/he may hold several different callings with different sets of responsibilities.  These callings are filled through inspiration of the Holy Ghost.  Once called, this person must be set apart and receive the official assignment from God by having the Priesthood lay hands on their head and give them a blessing.

This holds true for the one called to clean a church building and for the President of our Church and our present day Prophet.

The Sixth Article of Faith: We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

God states in the scriptures that he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  God is unchanging.  His Gospel is unchanging.  While the world might change, societies evolve, people come and go, God is constant. This being so, His Church must also be constant.

The Seventh Article of Faith: We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

If God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, the miracles and occurrences that happened in ancient days as recorded in the scriptures do not just stop.  We believe that Joseph Smith saw and spoke with God the Father and Jesus Christ and was responsible for restoring the Church.  We believe he translated the Book of Mormon through the power of the Holy Ghost.  We believe our current Prophet also has the ability to converse with God.  We believe members can experience every miracles of their own as well.

We believes all these blessings still come to pass today.  However, be it unto each of us according to our faith.  If you refuse to believe, the chances of you ever experiencing such truths are extremely unlikely.

The Eighth Article of Faith: We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

The LDS Church recognizes both the Bible and the Book of Mormon as holy scripture.  The presence of the Book of Mormon does not diminish the Bible in anyway.  Quite to the contrary, the purpose of it is to support the Bible and testify of its truth.

Again, pointing out that God is constant also means he treats all his Children the same.  Why would he speak to one civilization of people and not the rest?  It will be incredible when one day scriptures are revealed from different societies all around the world.

The Ninth Article of Faith: We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

God speaks to his children today and he will continue to speak to his children for eternity.  He provides knowledge and guidance as we struggle through this world full of temptation and evil.  As we become prepared to accept more revelations, we will be enlightened further.

To illustrate how I perceive this to work, when my daughter is eating a bowl of cereal and asks for more I often find she still has plenty of cereal in her bowl.  If I give her more cereal anyway, she often does not finish it.  I've learned to tell her she must finish what she has before I give her more.  Now, when she finishes and asks for more again I know she actually wants more.  Often, she finds herself full and does not want anything further.

We must consume what we have been given before we can be fed anything more.

The Tenth Article of Faith: We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

This Article carries a lot of weight.  I am not an expert on scripture and cannot fully explain what all of this means.  If I tried I would not do it credit.  But, in the last part it talks about Christ reigning on the Earth and the Earth becoming paradise.  We believe that when Christ returns to the Earth, his brilliance will inflame all unclean things and literally renew the Earth to perfection by fire.  Our world will be a paradise.  Christ will then remain here for a millennium.  This will be a time of peace.

The Eleventh Article of Faith: We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

Part of being a fallen being is having agency, which means you are being able to choose for yourself what you will believe.  No one has to believe in God.  No one has to believe any one religion or faith.  Therefore, all individuals are free to choose for themselves without the judgement of their fellow men.  We must respect the agency of all the world.

The Twelfth Article of Faith: We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

Part of following Christ is learning obedience.  Our first priority must always be to our Heavenly Father and our Savior.  However, we must also learn humility and obedience in our own societies.  We believe in being good citizens and following the laws and guidelines set before us as long as it does not interfere with the commandments given from God.

The Thirteenth Article of Faith: We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

What beautiful sentiments exist here!  The Gospel of Christ is a gospel of love and purity.  It is these qualities we strive to live and to seek out in the world around us.  We all fall short at times, but can repent, be forgiven, and learn to become better.  We hope to be able to endure all things that we may do what we must do and become what we must become so we may have the privilege of returning to live with our Father in Heaven.

Final Words

This is a brief explanation of what Mormons believe as interpreted by myself.  In fact, much of it is probably not so far off from many other religions.

As Joseph Smith once said, "The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it." ( Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 121).

The Articles of Faith and other insights into our beliefs can be found HERE.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why I Choose Network Marketing

I wanted to take a moment and share with you all why Network Marketing has become center-focus in my life.  I used to think it was all scandalous and shady.  I used to think it was all about sales and being pushy.  But now that I understand what it's really all about my eyes have been opened to an entire world of possibility I never knew existed.


First, I think it's important to address the "pyramid scheme" idea. I believe the basic thought that comes to mind when you hear this phrase is someone putting themselves at the top of a pyramid and living off the hard work of everyone underneath them.  This sounds shady indeed.  Until you look at the way every business in the world works.  There is a pyramid in every business system.  There is the head-honcho on the very top playing golf and going on vacations, every so often checking in with his managers.  As you travel down the pyramid the load of work increases and the amount of pay decreases.  Significantly.  The size and the position of top guy might change, but that is the way every company works.  The difference between this model and network marketing is that in network marketing anyone who enters the business (granted, the company you work with matters greatly) has equal opportunity and potential to climb as high he or she desires.  Of course, in a traditional business setting the individual must rely on others granting him the opportunity to make more money and have more influence and for most people, they don't get very far.

So, you tell me...which model seems more like a "scheme" to you?

Monetary Investments 


The next issue I think is crucial to discuss is having to pay money to join a network marketing business.  I'll readily agree that this was the biggest "red flag" for me when I first became acquainted with the system.  I recently found a quote from Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad empire that addresses just this very issue perfectly: "Network-marketing companies provide the investor or distributor with proven business systems.  As with a franchise, the distributor buys the rights to distribute an existing product line, but for a much lower fee."  Now, I have also heard that this is all an illusion created by the top of the company to make people believe they can make money if they invest their personal money first, making the leaders richer and emptying your pockets further.  The illusion descriptor is definitely false (again, depending on the company you're affiliated with).  It is false because the opportunity is real.  When people come away from network marketing saying it didn't work, that is usually because of their lack of action and/or coach-ability and not the lack of opportunity.  There may continue to be out-of-pocket costs as you go, but these are usually optional.  Not to mention, as an independent owner of your book of business you still have to understand that being a business owner means business costs.  Although, keep in mind that overhead costs and tax advantages with network marketing are better than most other money-generating options out there.  Besides, if you were given something for nothing, would you really have any incentive to do anything with it?  We really only value what we've had to make sacrifices and investments for.

So, no matter what you choose to do (job vs NM) you are going to be helping your superiors become richer.  With that in mind, would you rather fill the pockets of the leaders in a company that will not pull you up with them...or would you rather fill the pockets of the leaders in a company that can help to elevate you to their very level as you go?



We have established that you will start at the bottom of a pyramid anywhere you go and that investing a small amount into a proven system that can bring an unbelievable return is completely legitimate.  Now for the morality of the infrastructure.  Here is where the conversation can get a little tricky.  Obviously, choosing the right company is absolutely imperative in network marketing as well as any other kind of affiliation.  There are many places you can look to find guidelines for choosing the right company.  In my experience, the product or service being offered to the public should be your primary concern.  If it is something you can comprehend, believe in, and become passionate about, you are off to a great start.  This also means that it should be something you believe in strongly enough to use personally.  When you experience the product or service as a consumer, you understand if it works the way it should.  If it does than you can feel good about offering it to those around you.

Now if you should find a company that presents itself in a clouded way and you can't really tell what they offer to the public and they just talk about joining in to make money...I'd say that's probably not the most reliable business to join.  The most trustworthy companies are going to be transparent because they have nothing to hide.

Serving Others

So, if you choose a good company with a product or services you personally can get excited about as a consumer, you are poised well to bring value to the marketplace.

What does it mean to bring value to the marketplace?  It means sharing what you love with anyone and everyone in order to serve them.  Network marketing is so much more than selling.  It is really, truly about serving.  The best "salespeople" don't even concentrate on sales.  They concentrate on the value they bring to the lives of the people they help.  If you find this mindset to be prominent in the company of your choice, you can probably feel pretty good about their moral standpoint.  When anyone's biggest focus is on helping people, honesty and integrity follow right alongside.



Once you can feel comfortable with being apart of such a company yourself, you can begin thinking about "recruiting" others to join your team.  Here is where many people think it gets scary.  I know because I didn't like the thought of it either.  I was completely horrified at the thought of asking others to join me and know that they know that I make a profit off of everything they do.  But it is in this area of the business that the potential for personal growth skyrockets.  In a monetary as well as intrinsic fashion.  May I introduce you to leverage.  Network marketing offers you the opportunity to create a full-blown business.  If you think back to the "pyramid" discussion earlier you can picture a giant pyramid made up of billions of smaller pyramids, all inter-connected in complex ways.  When you recruit a "team" in this industry you create a business for yourself where you can be the head of however many people you choose.  Yes, you make a percentage off their work...but you also have incentive to help them to grow and be fully successful.  You build your team by helping each member of your team build their own team and continue the pattern.  When you help those around you to realize their dreams you help yourself to realize your own.  There is no dirty competition or effort to stunt anyone's growth.  It's truly an even playing field all the way around.

As we said earlier, the best network marketing companies are service-based and so focus most of their efforts on sales, but they certainly teach the importance of recruiting as well. 

Passive Income 


Lastly, I'd like you to understand what passive income is.  Passive income is money that you don't have to directly work for.  Once you have done the initial work upfront in building a book of business and, if you so choose, building a sales force, you can start enjoying the fruits of your labor in the form of passive income.  This means that you get paid in a few ways.  One is residual income, which is money coming in from the work you've previously done.  For instance, in my company I get paid on the sales I make for as long as they stay active.  This is hugely powerful!  Can you imagine being a realtor and getting paid for years to come on each individual house you've sold?  Or what about an office manager who gets paid for years to come for each individual spreadsheet completed?!  You get the idea.  Passive income also comes in the form of overrides, which is exactly what we were talking about above in building a team.  If you decide to recruit others to join you in your business (and this is never mandatory), you will get paid a percentage of every sale they make.  When they recruit a team of their own you also get paid a percentage for the work those individuals do.  Of course, every company will offer a different compensation plan, some more flattering than others.  And with many companies you only get paid overrides as long as you are at a higher "level" in the compensation plan than those that were signed under you on your team.  However, this is exactly what it means to build a business that works even when you are not present.  It is quite seriously the American Dream come to life.  Again, I would like to emphasize the word leverage.



More Benefits

A few other points I want to make without getting fully into them: networking means building relationships, inside and outside of the business infrastructure.  You have the change to come to know some amazing people and benefit in various ways from those relationships.  Building relationships also means learning to better interact with others.  This is extremely far out from my comfort zone, but I am living proof that it is possible to not only improve in this area, but to enjoy doing so!  Being better at interacting with others reaches to all areas of life, not just business!

Being a business owner (that is what you become!) makes you much more aware of your own personal finances, which is something I think we all should be better at.  Challenging yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and to overcome obstacles, internal and external, makes you a stronger person, better prepared to meet life confidently and better fulfilled. Network marketing companies bring a lot of encouragement for personal growth in all areas of life.  They provide training and support so everyone can learn and grow just as much as s/he chooses.

Final Thoughts


So, am I saying that network marketing is right for everyone?  Absolutely not.  However, I, and the vast majority of the world's richest and most prominent, agree that network marketing offers the greatest potential for, time, and life.

Now I ask you, if you had the opportunity to work a proven system, with lots of support, on a part or spare time basis, investing only as much time and money as you want while you live the rest of your life, and eventually have enough passive income to allow you to decide what you'll spend your life doing without having to consider making an income (cause it's already coming in!)... wouldn't you do it?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Here's to a Smoke-Free World

There are some things in this world that I will never understand. One of them is smoking. I seriously cannot comprehend the motivation behind it. Inhaling the poison into your own lungs is bad why is it okay to pollute the air everyone else breathes? I've heard it said so many times that if I'm walking down the street and walk passed a smoker it's my responsibility to cross the road to avoid the smoke if I don't want to breathe it. However, that doesn't really work. The distance that smoke travels is very vast. When someone at the opposite end of our block steps out for a cigarette, we have to close all the windows in the house because it truly travels far enough to bother us. Besides, smokers carry the smoke everywhere. In their hair, clothes, cars, homes...everywhere! So even when you aren't carrying around a lit cigarette, it's not like the remnants just disappear.

I think the absolute worst thing to see is parents smoking right by their children. Even infants! It's not like anyone can be ignorant to the harmful effects of smoke. So how can you seriously not even hesitate to put your kids in a position to constantly have to breathe that in to their tiny lungs? But what really gets to me is when people decide it's an okay idea to smoke (and ever drink, but that's a whole different blog) at the playground. It's one thing to decide to put your child at risk...It's a completely different game when you decide to do the same to other people's children. When I take my daughter to the park with the intent to have a nice, healthy play time, it horrifies me that she has to be subjected to something I so greatly try to avoid. Honestly, what is the deal with some people thinking this is okay?

I understand that cigarettes are so extremely addictive it is sometimes seemingly impossible to quit. But I also know that with the right kind of motivation anything is possible. I think it's amazing when I see people struggling to make it day by day. They can't even put food on the table. Yet they somehow manage to afford to keep their cigarette stash filled. That's just one example of what motivation can do. Now if you reverse that mindset imagine what you can accomplish! Where is the motivation to live a healthier, happier life?! When you're stressed, wouldn't it be so much nicer to be able to cope and work through the stress without having to rely on some external factor that may not always be an option in the moment? I know smokers often say they need to smoke to deal with stress, but it appears to me that smokers get stressed out so much easier and more intensely because of their cravings for nicotine. I've seen nonsmokers begin smoking and smokers quit smoking. Whichever direction they go, they always seem to follow this pattern.

Like I said, I will never understand this mindset. And to be quite frank I'm not sure I even want to. However, I hate to pass judgement on others. There are many people in my life that I love dearly who smoke and the last thing I want them to feel is antagonized. My sincere desire is to see those that I care about be happy and healthy. I know for a fact that being nicotine-free is a giant step in that direction. Yes, there are worse evils in the world, but that's no excuse to accept any kind of negative habit as a way of life.

And that, my dear friends, is my rant for the day.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Washed Clean

As I lay in bed listening to the rain, I am reminded of the purity that comes with being washed clean. No matter how filthy you've allowed yourself to become, it's never too much or too late to start the process of becoming clean. The more there is and the longer it's been caked on, of course the more work and time it will take to rid it all completely.

Today I was reminded of my own arrogance and pride. It's a trap I allow myself to fall into all too often. I become blinded by my own pursuit of that elusive standard of perfection and I forget to serve, love, and respect those who are faltering along with me. I forget to be a friend. I'm very much ashamed. But the rain has helped me to remember that no matter how much wrong I've done, I can always start fresh tomorrow. Maybe not as clean as I'd like, but as I strive to love and serve all I meet, the filth will slowly be scrubbed away. What a blessing to have the opportunity to start over each day! What a blessing to be able to obtain forgiveness for the hurt I've caused!

In the words of Anne of Green Gables, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Almost Midnight

Why is inspiration so hard to find these days?  I used to be able to sit down at the computer and write for hours on end.  But now I can't even think of a starting sentence.  Has my life become so mundane as to offer nothing worth sharing?  No, that can't be true.  Life with a(n) (almost) two-year old is far from mundane.  She most definitely keeps things interesting.

For example, this morning she stole the egg carton from the counter top (luckily there were no eggs inside).  Once I noticed the burglary, I pursued her.  I saw her coming out from beside the piano (a little area she likes to stand in lately) and so I decided that was the most obvious place to look.  It was lucky I did, too, because I discovered an entire array of things she had been hiding behind the piano!  My little pack rat had a stash of cookie cutters, rolling pins, measuring cups, and who knows what else back there!

She also recently learned to do somersaults all by herself.  She will randomly pose, head down, and start rolling around.  It's mostly entertaining, except when she decides to do it on the couch or on the bed or on my lap...then I usually have to act fast to catch her before she falls head first.

My response-time has sure been improving since becoming a mother.  Seriously, who knew someone so small could move so fast!  I can't tell you how many times she books it down the sidewalk.  She's so fast I often wonder if I would even be able to catch up to her if she didn't get distracted so easily! 

As it is, there is always something to catch her attention.  Usually it's a puppy, kitty, bunny, the swimming pool, a rock, or even an ant.  Being so close to the ground, tiny little bugs must be much easier to spot because she finds them EVERYWHERE!  I was relieved today when the bugs she was trying to pick up off the floor in the living room turned out to be lint.  But hey, it made her happy.

I wonder if I could make her little lint pets.  I've heard of people making sweaters out of lint.  Why not pet insects?  She's already fascinated by the material and it's easy to get your hands on.  I could make her a little lint farm, all with different colors and she could spend all day trying to figure out how to pinch them just right to pick them up.  At least she wouldn't be squishing a real ant to its death!  I can't let her get her hands on anything if I want it to have the chance to live.  She's always trying to get a hold of the snails in our garden, but their poor little shells would be shattered.

Yes, days with a toddler are most certainly anything but relaxing.  But they sure can be fun.  Sometimes I try to remember what I did before she came into my life...but I honestly can't!  Whatever it was, as exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed I may be most of the time, but I prefer life this way than any other.  I've gained so much understanding, appreciation for everything around me, and depth of character.  And all because of a little girl with curly locks and hobbit feet who so happened to grow inside of my tummy.

I sure am lucky :-)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Superman Let-Down

Ever since I can remember I have been head-over-heels in love with Superman.  Quite literally.  From birthday parties, to Christmas ornaments, to random items found at the store...I was drawn to him like a bird to the sky.  I watched the movie continuously and fantasized of it even more often.  When I say I have an emotional relationship with the man, I am not kidding.

With that in mind, I had no idea what to expect when Superman Returns and now Man of Steel were announced.  I loved my Christopher Reeve version, but I was excited to have something new to connect with.  However, on both accounts I was tremendously disappointed.

While in Superman Returns his entire essence of character was destroyed, in Man of Steel he simply wasn't given any.  And neither was anyone else for that matter.  Man of Steel was basically a comic book come to life.  All action and nothing else.  There was nothing of substance to connect with on an emotional level.  The plot was weak and the characters even weaker.  There were some big names starring in the film who are capable of so much more than they were given to work with.  And that is just sad.  

I wanted a story.  I wanted to feel something.  Instead, all I was able to do was hold my breath in suspense as I watched 2 1/2 hours of flying figures knocking each other through buildings and causing mass destruction.

This started me thinking about all the other let-downs I have been experiencing year after year with growing frequency.  I feel that more often than not movies and books are getting through to the public with no real development of plot or character.  What has the world of story telling come to?  How can so many just ignore the elements that make a story come to life?  Is our society so focused on death and destruction that we don't even care to be fed anything else?  If that is the case, I fear what we may come to.  If a being is not fed anything of substance, no growth can take place.  Instead, we all may wither away into the growing unrest of a world focused on violence, deceit, and shallow intentions.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Forgiveness Is For YOU! Not Them....

The tension in my house has been steadily rising with each passing day.  It's always someone else's fault, of course.  And while I have been doing my best to stay out of it, I, myself, am in serious need of a good dose of humility.

I recently finished reading "The Peace Giver", by Jame L. Ferrell.  The message of forgiveness is very powerful and something I've been needing to remind myself of daily.  The basic idea is: the only thing that matters is what YOU say, YOU feel, and YOU do.  It doesn't matter how wrong, immoral, mean, bitter, or begrudging another is.  How you react creates your future, not theirs (the reverse is also true).

For example, if you feel you are constantly being attacked by another person: everything you do derives criticism, your presence seems to evoke hostility, and kind words are all but unheard of...what are you choices?  You can either assume the attitude that it's that person's fault for being negative toward you.  Or you can choose the higher road of love, forgiveness, and understanding.

That's not to say you should allow others to abuse you.  But when you also allow yourself to be clouded by hurt or anger, chances are you will both miss something important.

On the flip side of the example, if you feel you are being plagued by one who is lazy, self-centered, irresponsible, or defiant...are your choices any different?

My answer is no.  The two paths are always the same, no matter the situation.  Either blame or love.  There is really no middle ground.

In the end, it doesn't matter if another chooses to forgive you, or even to change their ways.  All that matters is that you learn to free yourself from the poison of polluted emotions.  In other words:

"The follower of Christ seeks for the nature of Christ, a nature which does more than quench anger, but rather a nature in which the is no anger.  Our task in living the gospel is not simply to become more disciplined, as commendable as that might appear to be; our task is to have our dispositions changed" (Joseph Fielding McConkie, Robert L. Millet, & Brent L. Top).

One more point I want to make comes from a book called The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy.  We hear a true story of how what we feel and see can have a tremendous affect on our relationships with those around us.  One of Darren's friends was very unhappy in his marriage.  This man was constantly complaining about his wife to Darren.  On the other hand, Darren had a good relationship with his wife.  However, it was the season of Thanksgiving and thinking of his friend's situation gave Darren the idea to keep a gratitude journal about his wife.  Every day for an entire year Darren wrote one thing about his wife he was grateful for that day.  It could have been the way she styled her hair, a dinner she made, a simple smile or kind word.  Anything he felt the slightest bit of gratitude about counted.  Three hundred and sixty five days later, on the next Thanksgiving, Darren presented his wife with this journal.  Understandably, she was so touched it brought tears to her eyes.

However, Darren's objective in sharing this story was not to show how he had made his wife feel good.  It was to explain that the person who benefited most from the experience was him!  He had the opportunity to see his wife with new eyes.  He purposefully worked to look at her from a positive perspective, which in turn allowed him to see her clearer than he ever had before.

Consequently, Darren told his friend all about it.  His friend, the one who was miserable with his wife, decided to give it a try.  He, too, began to work to find one thing every single day he could record about his wife that he was grateful for.  Of course, it wasn't easy at first.  He had spent so much time feeling bitter, hurt, and victimized by her it was very hard to break out of the habit.  But, with practice it became easier.  And amazingly, their entire relationship improved.  By him focusing on simple, small, positive things about his bride, he began to think, feel, and act differently toward her.  That's not to say there were any obvious changes.  I'm sure it was all very subtle.  But because HE changed toward her, she (unconsciously of course) became more positive toward him.

I cannot remember if this man ever presented his wife with the journal he kept.  I cannot remember is she ever even learned of it.  But it doesn't matter.  The purpose was not to change her in any way.  The purpose was to change him.

By learning to let go of anger and negativity - not just overcome, but eliminate it - we become better people from the inside out.  And what's more...we become happier.

Yes, I know this is all easier said than done.  We will never be perfect.  We will often fall short.  But I think it's better to work hard toward becoming someone and ultimately happier than to allow the world to beat me down until I'm nothing.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

LegalShield Identity Theft Premium Plan

I am so excited to share with you all the more comprehensive AND affordable Identity Theft service plan that LegalShield has just launched!  Finally!!!